What is a Heat Exchanger?
A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one fluid to another.
Heat exchangers are usually found in industries like manufacturing, chemical processing, and power plants. They are also used in refrigeration systems and air conditioning units.
Heat exchangers work by transferring the heat between fluids that have different temperatures. The fluids often have different densities too, which means that they will not mix together when they come into contact with each other.
What is a Chiller?
A chiller is a device that cools water to a temperature below its current temperature.
An air conditioner is the most common type of chiller. It cools air by blowing it over cold coils, which are then cooled by a refrigerant such as Freon.
What are the Differences Between a Heat Exchanger and a Chiller?
A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one fluid to another. The fluid that is being heated up will be cooled down by the other fluid.
A chiller is an air-conditioning system that cools water to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room it’s in.
A heat exchanger takes in hot water and cools it down with cold water, while a chiller takes in hot air and cools it down with cold air. A chiller can’t be used for heating up water because it only cools things down, not up.
When Should You Use an HX or a Chiller?
A heat exchanger is a device that transfers thermal energy from one medium to another. It is the most common method for transferring heat in refrigeration.
A chiller is a device that cools water or other fluids by removing heat from it. It does this by passing the fluid through a loop of pipe immersed in a body of water, such as a river, lake, or sea.
There are many factors that can determine which of these two devices you should use.
How Much Does It Cost for an HX or for a Chiller?
The cost of an HX or a chiller depends on the size of the system, the type of system and the location.
Geson products line includes the following:
- Water-cooled screw compressor chillers from 50TR to 1,500TR
- Air-cooled screw compressor chillers from 50TR to 630TR
- Water-cooled scroll compressor chillers from 10TR to 100TR
- Air-cooled scroll compressor chillers from 10TR to 100TR
- Central station air handling units from 990CFM to 65,000CFM
GESON Chiller Can Meet Your Needs.
Contact us today for industrial cooling solutions that will suit your needs and budget!