Working principle of chiller cooling system

 Water Cooled Chiller System Working Principle The main function of the cooling system is to dissipate part of the heat absorbed by the heated parts in time to ensure that the engine works at the most suitable temperature state. There are two types of engine cooling: water [...]

2023-07-13T14:35:56+00:00Introduction to Water Chillers|Comments Off on Working principle of chiller cooling system

Why use a buffer tank in the air heat pump heating/cooling system?

The function of the buffer tank 1. If the buffer water tank is not used, the water chiller will frequently start and stop. Due to the limited amount of circulating water in the loop, it will cause the water chiller to reach the design temperature in a [...]

2023-07-13T14:39:10+00:00Case Studies and Success Stories, Introduction to Water Chillers|Comments Off on Why use a buffer tank in the air heat pump heating/cooling system?

Chemical chiller

The chemical chiller can provide low-temperature cooling water, reduce the temperature of the chemical machinery. The process is to provide cooling water circulation, maintain its long-term operation. Therefore, chemical chillers have been widely used in the chemical industry. In each chemical industry, there are also different names, [...]

2023-07-13T14:39:37+00:00Case Studies and Success Stories, Industrial Chiller Applications|Comments Off on Chemical chiller
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